
Three Spring Audi Service Checkpoints


Let’s be honest – the winters in Charleston aren’t too bad. Sure, we get some chilly weather from time to time, but we don’t have to deal with the same problems as cold climates up north. With that said, spring still makes for a great time to have some basic Audi service completed. As the [...]

Three Spring Audi Service Checkpoints2018-04-17T00:18:33+00:00

Comparing Two VW Repair Shops


When you need to take your vehicle to a VW repair shop for service, you will have a number of options at your disposal. At some point, you are likely to reduce the options down to just two – and you’ll have to pick one which is going to win your business. So, how do [...]

Comparing Two VW Repair Shops2018-04-17T00:04:56+00:00

Three Signs You’ve Found a Great Car Mechanic


Car Mechanic | It can be hard to find the right car mechanic for your needs. Sure, there are a lot of good ones out there - but there are some 'not so good ones' as well. So, how do you pick the right one to care for your vehicle? Let's take a look at [...]

Three Signs You’ve Found a Great Car Mechanic2018-03-16T17:17:55+00:00

Proper Audi Service is a Team Effort


Audi Service | When you need reliable Audi service on your vehicle, you know that you need to visit an experienced shop that has the knowledge and experience to get the job done. But did you know the job actually starts well before you arrive at the garage? That's right - Audi service is an [...]

Proper Audi Service is a Team Effort2018-03-16T17:09:25+00:00

Ottohaus is the VW Mechanic You Can Trust


VW Mechanic | Let's be honest for a moment - it can be hard to find a trustworthy mechanic. That isn't to say that there are no good mechanics in and around Charleston. There are plenty of good options, depending on the type of vehicle you drive. Unfortunately, they aren't all good, and some people [...]

Ottohaus is the VW Mechanic You Can Trust2018-03-16T17:02:01+00:00

Thinking of a Brake Replacement? The Time is Now


Brake Replacement | The braking system on your vehicle is one of the most important elements of the car's performance. It is easy to think about performance in terms of acceleration and top speed, but neither of those things is useful when the car doesn't stop properly. If you have been thinking that it might [...]

Thinking of a Brake Replacement? The Time is Now2018-03-16T16:53:16+00:00

Car Repair is best when its avoided


Car Repair | For many people, the first time they look for a qualified mechanic in the Charleston area is when they realize they need prompt car repair. And, of course, that is a necessary move to make at that point. If something is currently wrong with your Audi, BMW, or VW vehicle, please feel [...]

Car Repair is best when its avoided2018-03-15T18:24:58+00:00

Looking for an Audi Repair Shop? Your Search is Over


Audi Repair | If you are an Audi owner, it is likely that you take pride in the vehicle which resides in your driveway or garage. Audi makes beautiful cars which are fun to drive. Sure, they come at a premium, but you've paid that premium because you take pride in your vehicle. And, speaking [...]

Looking for an Audi Repair Shop? Your Search is Over2018-03-15T16:08:44+00:00

Key Considerations Before Performing an Oil Change in Your Garage


Oil Change | Without a doubt, it is tempting to perform your own oil changes right at home. After all, you may have a garage space of some kind to use, and changing oil is not the most complicated of auto service tasks. While it is possible to change your own oil properly, the job [...]

Key Considerations Before Performing an Oil Change in Your Garage2018-03-15T15:44:24+00:00

How to Choose the Right VW Repair Shop


VW Repair | What do you look for in a VW repair shop? A few things will come to mind right away. For starters, you want a shop that knows how to get the job done yet won't charge you a ridiculous price for the work. You want to visit a shop that you can [...]

How to Choose the Right VW Repair Shop2018-03-12T19:18:15+00:00
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